Regarding compliance with laws and regulations in the environmental sector, every industry in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia must be bound by Government Regulation Number 22 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Environmental Protection and Management. Companies are required to have environmental documents, technical approval for compliance with air and water quality standards, as well as B3 waste management, as well as environmental approval before operating. After that, every business actor must also carry out regular environmental monitoring as a form of prevention of potential environmental pollution.

PT Ibantos Teknologi Hijau is a companion or mediator between industry and environmental institutions in efforts to protect and manage the environment better and more sustainably. With this intention, we are sure that strong determination and friendly service will provide important meaning for all parties involved.

In 2015, PT. Ibantos Teknologi Hijau started its corporate business by operating in the field of environmental consulting by offering the implementation of environmental documents and regular environmental monitoring. In its development, we can also help companies get better value in the PROPER program and become partners in B3 waste management. PT Ibantos Teknologi Hijau is also a supplier of equipment such as CEMS, incinerators, hazardous materials processing machines, and materials used in B3 waste management such as WWTP bacteria.


We believe that with our vision, namely "To become a reliable and trusted company in the field of environmental management consulting services in Indonesia", we are able to win the Mission "As a companion company in environmental management by providing professional services, using appropriate technology. technology to achieve satisfaction and added value for all parties”.

(Download Our Company Profile)

Dibantu ibantos ibantos konsultan lingkungan teknologi hijau lingkungan hidup kementerian lingkungan kementerian kehutanan tambang pertambangan loker tambang emisi pencemaran udara pencemaran air limbah sampah non berbahaya danberacun limbah berbahaya dan beracun

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